Stine Skifte Pedersen

Legal secretary

Primary areas of work

Business transfers
Corporate law
Real estate
Administration of estates

Secretary to
Peter Schriver
Helen Kibsgaard
Charlotte Pedersen

Short biography

Stine has worked at Nuna Law than any other person, and she is the office mother for all of us. She knows everything and has everything under control.
She originated from Maniitsoq but has lived in Nuuk for so long that she can be seen as an original Nuummioq. Stine started at Nuna Law in 1979!
Stine works primarily with bankruptcy cases, business-related cases and corporate cases together with Attorney-at-law Peter Schriver and Attorney-at-law Helen Kibsgaard.
Additionally, Stine works with family law and estate settlements together with Charlotte Pedersen, and she also conducts real estate transactions and bankruptcy cases. Finally, Stine is responsible for a number of administrative tasks. 


  • Phone: (+299) 32 13  70
  • Mobile: (+299) 55 43 63
  • E-Mail:
  • Languages: Greenlandic, Danish, English